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Zeitschriftenkatalog der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Österreich

Katalogeintrag 26599

Titel Periodicum biologorum. sluzbeno glasilo Bioloske Sekcije Hrvatskog Prirodoslovnog Drustva = official journal of the Section of Natural Scientists of the Croatian Society of Natural Scientists / izdavec Hrvatsko Prirodoslovno Drustvo. - Zagreb
Herausgebende Körperschaft Bioloske Sekcije Hrvatskog Prirodoslovnog Drustva = Section of Natural Scientists of the Croatian Society
Erscheinungsort Zagreb
Bestand 72(1970) - 111(2009) ; Suppl. 1(2006) l: 73,75,76,101,111
Signatur Sign.: 4082
Verweisung bis 21=70(1968) Bioloski Glasnik
Land, ISSN L: HR ISSN 0031-5362
Indexnummer 26599
last changed 2021/06/10 16:43
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