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Katalog (Monographien/Bücher) der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Österreich

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Hits 91 to 100 of 26713

  1. 100%; open Hinterdobler, Wolfgang, Schinnerl, Johann (2019)
      Chemical diversity and richness of fungal endophytes from Costa Rican Policourea and Psychotria species (Rubiaceae)
  2. 100%; open Dellinger, Agnes, Pöllabauer, Lea, Loreti, Milan u.a. (2019)
      Testing funktional hypotheses on poricidal anther dehiscence and heteranthry in buzz-pollinated flowers
  3. 100%; open Dellinger, Agnes, Pöllabauer, Lea, Loreti, Milan u.a. (2019)
      Testing funktional hypotheses on poricidal anther dehiscence and heteranthry in buzz-pollinated flowers
  4. 100%; open Etl, Florian S., Brandauer, Sophie u.a. (2019)
      Flower visitors of Calathaea lutea (Maranthaceae)
  5. 100%; open Ramirez, Santiago R. (2019)
      Pollinator specificity and seasonal patterns in the euglossine bee-orchid mutualism at the La Gamba Station
  6. 100%; open Pokorny, Tamara, Millahn, Edda, Schlüttinger u.a. (2019)
      Correlates of display activity and perch residency of male orchid bees in cage experiments
  7. 100%; open Spaethe, Johannes, Streinzer, Martin, Sommerlandt, Frank (2019)
      Current state and future directions of research on stingless bees in La Gamba
  8. 100%; open Busch, Josephine S., Mayer, Veronika E. (2019)
      Surface structures of Cecropia plants as landmarks of orientation of ant foundress queens?
  9. 100%; open Busch, Josephine S., Mayer, Veronika E. (2019)
      Surface structures of Cecropia plants as landmarks of orientation of ant foundress queens?
  10. 100%; open Falk, Martin, Schulze, Christian H., Fiedler, Konrad (2019)
      Ground-dwelling ant assemblages severely degrade in oil-palm plantations - a case study from the Golfo Dulce Region, SW Cost Rica

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